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8 Las inteligencias sintéticas mueven el avispero

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Video Star Trek Binarios y el sueño de la computación total El Holodek

1. A favor de las inteligencias sintéticas

Why Software Is Eating The World

Captura de pantalla 2016-04-19 a la(s) 11.44.55 PM

Jeremy Howard: The wonderful and terrifying implications of computers that can learn (2014)

What happens when we teach a computer how to learn? Technologist Jeremy Howard shares some surprising new developments in the fast-moving field of deep learning, a technique that can give computers the ability to learn Chinese, or to recognize objects in photos, or to help think through a medical diagnosis. (One deep learning tool, after watching hours of YouTube, taught itself the concept of «cats.»)

The Next Great Era: Envisioning A Robot Society: Robin Hanson at TEDxTallinn

When creative machines overtake man: Jürgen Schmidhuber at TEDxLausanne

Artificial Intelligence vs Humans – Jim Hendler disagrees with Stephen Hawking about the role Artificial Intelligence will play in our lives.

Daniel Dewey is a research fellow in the Oxford Martin Programme on the Impacts of Future Technology at the Future of Humanity Institute, University of Oxford. His research includes paths and timelines to machine superintelligence, the possibility of intelligence explosion, and the strategic and technical challenges arising from these possibilities.

How artificial intelligence will make technology disappear | Rand Hindi

2 En contra de las inteligencias sintéticas

The Age of Em: Work, Love and Life when Robots Rule the Earth Oxford University Press, 1 June 2016

Many think the first truly smart robots will be brain emulations or ems. Scan a human brain, then run a model with the same connections on a fast computer, and you have a robot brain, but recognizably human.

Train an em to do some job and copy it a million times: an army of workers is at your disposal. When they can be made cheaply, within perhaps a century, ems will displace humans in most jobs. In this new economic era, the world economy may double in size every few weeks.

While human lives don’t change greatly in the em era, em lives are as different from ours as our lives are from those of our farmer and forager ancestors. Ems make us question common assumptions of moral progress, because they reject many of the values we hold dear.

how strange your descendants may be, though ems are no stranger than we would appear to our ancestors. To most ems, it seems good to be an em.

The Next Great Era: Envisioning A Robot Society: Robin Hanson at TEDxTallinn

Martin Ford


3. Hibridos

Meet the Man Google Hired to Make AI a Reality

Will Your Job Be Done By A Machine?

Machines can do some surprising things. But what you really want to know is this: Will your job be around in the future? We have the «definitive» guide.

The future of employment: how susceptible are jobs to computerisation?

Carl Benedikt Frey and Michael A. Osborne September 17, 2013

Greg Corrado, Senior Research Scientist, Google – RE.WORK Deep Learning Summit 2015 ‘Google’s Large Scale Deep Neural Networks Project

lightsinthe tunnel

THE LIGHTS IN THE TUNNEL employs a powerful thought experiment to explore the economy of the future. An imaginary «tunnel of lights» is used to visualize the economic implications of the new technologies that are likely to appear in the coming years and decades. The book directly challenges conventional views of the future and illuminates the danger that lies ahead if we do not plan for the impact of rapidly advancing technology. It also shows how the economic realities of the future might offer solutions to issues such as poverty and climate change.

Robots Will Steal Your Job, but That’s OK: Federico Pistono at TEDxVienna


Less than perfect robots | Guy Hoffman

Guy Hoffman describes how animation, acting lessons, and jazz led to a new approach to artificial intelligence for robots that «think with their bodies», plan less, improvise more, and take chances, even at the risk of making mistakes, and why this makes for robots that better fit our homes, offices, schools and hospitals.

Peter Bock – Emergence of Creativity in Artificial Intelligence

Peter Bock discusses the evolution of Artificial Intelligence and states his intention of creating the world’s first artificial being. He shows the capabilities of the current system, known as ALISA, in creating works of art.

In the beginning was the code: Juergen Schmidhuber

The universe seems incredibly complex. But could its rules be dead simple? Juergen Schmidhuber’s fascinating story will convince you that this universe and your own life are just by-products of a very simple and fast program computing all logically possible universes.

Juergen Schmidhuber is Director of the Swiss Artificial Intelligence Lab IDSIA (since 1995)

Toy Soldiers to Killer Robots: Prof Noel Sharkey

His current research passion is on the ethics of robot applications including care, policing, military, crime, sex, transport and medicine.

Algunos papers y disusiones recienets muy valiosos

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