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Curation, Decision-Making, Imageneering Versión 0.9

Ex Machina

El tema escogido para esta edición de VOR nace a partir de una comparación de listados de problemas mundiales de naturaleza global (bioterrorismo, cambio climático, migraciones salvajes, guerras imparables). Al compilarlo nos topamos con la sorpresa de que entrelazado con esos temas conocidos, comenzó a aparecer con mayor frecuencia el “machine learning” y su impacto multivariado sobre el mundo y en particular sobre nuestra identidad como seres humanos.
A fin de poder caracterizar con mayor previsión esta problemática la dividimos en tres áreas

1. CURATION de Big Data

Todos somos curadores de contenidos sin saberlo. Sucede cuando cae en nuestras manos un libro que no buscábamos adrede, pero que siempre quisimos leer; o cuando leemos noticias que se programan a si mismas: o cuando escuchamos música o viajamos a algún rincón del mundo por recomendación no de humanos sino de.. los algoritmos.

Los speakers escogidos para esta sección entre los que se cuentan BrandsEyes, Kevin Allocca, y otros, nos explican cómo funcionan estos algoritmos, como es posible refinarlos, hasta qué punto generan resultados valiosos, y en qué momento dejan de abrirnos minutos y empiezan a autoconfirmarnos y limitan nuestra capacidad de selección y elección. Las máquinas muchas veces ayudan y perfeccionan nuestras intuiciones, pero también pueden sesgar nuestro comportamiento en direcciones inesperadas e indeseadas.

¿Qué pasa cuando dejamos de decidir y las máquinas lo empiezan a hacer por nosotros?

1.1 Multiplicación/Remix/ viralización Kevin ALLOCCA

Started out as a writer and editor. Now, work in tech at Google where they let me run around and do fun stuff while I try to keep up with the internet. On an open-ended quest to make sense of popular culture and lower productivity at global scale. People are amazing. YouTube is where I go to see them do their amazing things.

Why videos go viral

1.2 Brandsye Cape Town, South Africa

CEO JP Kloppers

WGNtv – A better way to predict elections?

How does it work?

How One Pollster Correctly Predicted Both Trump’s Victory and Brexit


Aunque parece lejano ese momento ya ha llegado, y una de sus mejores encarnaciones son los robots, los sistemas automatizados y los self-driven cars, invadiendo las áreas de la ética y la responsabilidad humanas. Tomar decisiones siempre denota poder y supone responsabilizarse por las elecciones tomadas. 

En esta sección de la mano de nombres como Mark Riedl, Wendy Johansson (Wizeline) o Adalberto (Kueski), revisaremos desde el otorgamiento de microcréditos, al diagnóstico y la medicina automatizadas, desde la gestión automatizada de sectores empresariales (recursos humanos, atención al cliente) hasta la educación y la investigación en manos de las máquinas.

Los beneficios que supone la transferencia de la decisión a las máquinas, especialmente a los sectores de bajos recursos, son innumerables. No lo es menos que la automatización de los procesos decisionales implica riesgos éticos aun inimaginados.

2.1 Mark RIEDL

AREAS de TRABAJO: the intersection of artificial intelligence, virtual worlds, and storytelling; virtual cinematography in 3D virtual worlds; player modeling; procedural generation of computer game content; computational creativity; human creativity support; intelligent virtual characters; mixed-initiative problem solving; and discourse generation.

How can intelligent computational systems reason about and autonomously create engaging experiences for users of virtual worlds and computer games?

How discover new computational algorithms and models that can facilitate the development of intelligent computer systems that can reason about narrative in order to be better communicators, entertainers, and educators?

Unlocking human creativity

Computational Narrative Intelligence

Podcast Jugging outputs of generative systems, the implications of computational creativity, A.I. driven advertising, the ethics of self driving cars, tensions between academia & industry and more.

2.2 Wendy JOHANSSON (Wizeline)

Wendy leads the product and user experience direction of Wizeline’s product intelligence solutions. She believes in an outside-in, user-first approach for Wizeline’s product design and development process. Prior to Wizeline, Wendy led the distributed UX teams at Ooyala, a video technology company, and at AppNexus, a leading advertising technology company.

Wizeline & Wall Street Journal: Design & Innovation in Media & Community

Chatbots for the Enterprise Marketer

2.3 Adalberto FLORES OCHOA (Kueski)

Adalberto the CEO of Kueski, the fastest micro-lending service for Latin America. He is a seasoned executive with experience in the financial and software industries in both the USA and Latin America. Before Kueski, Adalberto started, grew and managed all operations of Ooyala Mexico, the largest International division of Ooyala, Inc. Adalberto opened two offices which grew to 29 employees in two different cities, encompassing software engineers, technical support, data science, sales, marketing, account management, HR, G&A, etc.

Who is Adalberto?

3 IMAGEENERING ¿Qué nos hace humanos y hasta qué punto las máquinas pueden recrear nuestra humanidad y aún superarla?

Cuando haya una mayoría significativa de máquinas que curan contenidos y toman decisiones por nosotros, surgirá la pregunta de cuáles podrían ser los límites de la inteligencia maquinal. ¿La conciencia, la creatividad, el conocimiento encarnado, pueden instanciarse en un robot?

En esta sección junto a Chris Chafe, Fox Harrell, Lev Manovich, Blaise Agüera y Behnaz Farahi, entre otros, examionaremos en distintos territorios (pintura, escultura, diseño textil, poesía, humor, música, métodos de invención) el advenimiento de las máquinas creativas. Prestaremos especial atención a su hipotética simbiosis a fin de potenciar la creatividad humana y sus capacidades expresivas. Pero también consideraremos, por el contrario, el riesgo que esta síntesis podría implicar para la esencia de lo humano.

Estas tres dimensiones se complementarán con dispositivos interlúdicos (actividades, votaciones, intervenciones) y lecturas transversales, que barren el espectro desde la ciencia-ficción a la ciencia del cerebro humano, desde lo literario hasta lo legal, desde lo arquitectónico hasta lo sensorial, desde la ética algorítmica a la visualización de la información).

3.1 Chris CHAFE

AREAS de TRABAJO: composer, improvisor, and cellist, developing much of his music alongside computer-based research. Recent work includes the Brain Stethoscope project, PolarTide for the 2013 Venice Biennale, Tomato Quintet for the transLife: media Festival at the National Art Museum of China and Sun Shot played by the horns of large ships in the port of St. Johns, Newfoundland.

A simultaneous five-country concert was hosted by him at the United Nations in 2009

A listening tour of musical portraits and sonic landscapes

From Musifications to Intelligible Data Sonifications

Curso online que dicta en Stanford

Online Jamming and Concert Technology


AREAS de TRABAJO: relationship between imaginative cognition and computation and his research involves developing new forms of computational narrative, gaming, social media, and related digital media based in computer science, cognitive science, and digital media arts. He aims to push the boundaries of how computers can be used for creative expression and social empowerment.

D. Fox Harrell speaks about his interactive narrative research.

Propuestas institucionales

develop a national agenda for funding and collaboration integrating the arts and computing/information science. The event gathered 55 international thought leaders in the area, hybrid methods in art/science/information technology research, barriers to successful collaboration across disciplines, and how to foster creativity-based technology research


Chimeria: Gatekeeper

playable interactive conversational scenario

We have developed a system that automatically discovers solutions for a multitude of videogames that each possess different game mechanics, rules, level designs, and win conditions.

Steam-Player-Preference Analyzer and the AIR Status Performance Classifier

In this work, we investigate how people exhibit and construct forms of self-expression in virtual environments including computational systems such as online social networks, or videogames


AREAS DE TRABAJO What motivated developers in the 1960s and 1970s to create the concepts and techniques that now underlie contemporary applications like Photoshop, Illustrator, and Final Cut? How do these tools shape the visual aesthetics of contemporary media and design? What happens to the idea of a “medium” after previously media-specific tools have been simulated and extended into software?

Language of Tomorrow (2010)

«Photography as Big Data» (2015)

Selfie City

Investigating the style of self-portraits (selfies) in five cities across the world. Rich media visualizations (imageplots) assemble thousands of photos to reveal interesting patterns.

On Broadway

The interactive installation On Broadway represents life in the 21st century city through a compilation of images and data collected along the 13 miles of Broadway that span Manhattan.
The result is a new type of city view, created from the activities of hundreds of thousands of people.

Digital Traces I: Meta-Morphologies of St. Petersburg
The Science and Technology Studies (STS) Center at European University at St. Petersburg + Sciences Po Medialab

Data Drift exhibition

Groundbreaking book

Software Takes command

first to offer a rigorous theory of the technology we all use daily – software for media authoring, access, and sharing.


Forthcoming Book
«Cultural Analytics»

3.4 Blaise AGUERAS (Google)

AREAS de TRABAJO: machine learning at Google. Previously a Distinguished Engineer at Microsoft, he has worked on augmented reality, mapping, wearable computing and natural user interfaces.

His group works extensively with deep neural nets for machine perception and distributed learning, and it also investigates so-called «connectomics» research, assessing maps of connections within the brain.

He also created Seadragon (acquired by Microsoft in 2006), the visualization technology that gives Photosynth its amazingly smooth digital rendering and zoom capabilities.

How PhotoSynth can connect the world’s images (TED 2007)

Augmented-reality maps (2010)

How computers are learning to be creative (2016)

Taking on Google by Learning From Ants (2010)

Blog style is violence

3. 5 Behnaz Farahi

Behnaz Farahi is an architect and interaction designer whose work explores the potential of interactive environments and their relationship to the human body.

Behnaz Farahi is interested in exploring the potential of interactive environments and their relationship to the human body through the implementation of emerging technologies in contemporary art/architecture practice. Her goal is to enhance the relationship between human beings and the built environment by following design/motion principles inspired by natural systems

Interactive clothing

AiR Presentation: Behnaz Farahi from Pier 9 on Vimeo.

3.6 Natasha Jen

Natasha’s work is recognized for its innovative use of graphic, digital, and spatial interventions that challenge conventional notions of media and cultural contexts. Her work is immediately recognizable, encompassing brand identity systems, printed matters, exhibition design, digital interfaces, signage and way-finding systems, and architecture.

You do what

Designing a Brand That Even Non-Designers Can Work With

3.7 Intro Brain Science Gary MARCUS

CEO and Co-Founder of the recently-formed Geometric Intelligence is redefining the boundaries of machine learning through innovative, patent-pending techniques that learn more efficiently from less data.

AREAS DE TRABAJO: language, computation, artificial intelligence, and cognitive development

How does a child learn to talk? Why is that humans can acquire language when no other species can? Through the integrated study of psychology, linguistics, and molecular biology, I aim to understand the origins of the human mind.

Can A.I. Become More Human?

Advancements in Machine Learning

From big data to human-level artificial intelligence


Kluge The Haphazard Construction of the Human Mind (2008, hay traduccion castellana)


Guitar Zero: The New Musician and the Science of Learning (2012)

The Future of the Brain: Essays by the World’s Leading Neuroscientists (2014)


The Master Algorithm How the Quest for the Ultimate Learning Machine Will Remake Our World

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