1. Filosofía de la historia y grandes tendencias
Parag Khanna Recovering the Promise of Technocracy
The rise of populism is merely a symptom of political leaders’ failure to address voters’ economic grievances. Instead of obsessing about the degeneration of democracy at the hands of political leaders who cannot fulfill their promises to frustrated voters, we must define a better form of government that can address those grievances. I propose a direct technocracy.
2. Machine learning/Deep Learning
Four Approaches to Artificial General Intelligence
Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), also known as Strong AI, distinguishes itself from the more general term AI by specifically having its a goal human-level or greater intelligence. There have been many attempts to achieve it. Pei Wang’s page Artificial General Intelligence — A Gentle Introduction has the best curated set of links.
Introduction to Data Science Saturday, Feb. 18 – Sunday, Feb. 19 @Centro de diseño, cine y televisión, CDMX
Learn all the tasks involved in the day-to-day work of a Data Scientist, using a simple but significant project throughout the course. The topics of Exploratory Data Analysis and Machine Learning are explored in cursory detail to provide motivation for the courses to follow. Walk away building a model for a pedometer (day 1), able to use your model to read numbers from images (day 2).
Enrique Dans Disminuyendo barreras de entrada a la inteligencia artificial
Google anuncia sus intenciones de ofrecer herramientas de desarrollo de inteligencia artificial para la plataforma Raspberry Pi, el pequeño ordenador de treinta y tres euros creado por una institución sin ánimo de lucro británica, que ha logrado entre otras cosas popularizar el acceso a la microelectrónica vendiendo más de diez millones de unidades a lo largo de sus diferentes versiones (cuando originalmente pensaban que iban a vender unas mil), y promover el cambio en el bachillerato británico para incluir las Ciencias de la Computación.
3. Etica y algoritmos/ IA Accountability
9 Quotes About Artificial Intelligence By Elite Experts That Will Scare You Senseless
Hawking is far from alone in his fears. In fact, some of the world’s most preeminent scientists and engineers share the same terrifying visions of a robot-dominated future. Here’s what they had to say — and why we should all be unplugging our machines more often.
4. Algoritmos y futuro de las profesiones
Gartner’s Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2017
For the past year, we’ve ranked nearly 14,500 Machine Learning articles to pick the Top 10 stories (0.069% chance) that can help you advance your career in 2017.
What Everyone is not Telling You about Artificial Intelligence
“Artificial Intelligence”: this term has become so popular/hyped/*add an adjective of your choice* in this decade, that we’re talking about it more than ever. So much so that anything about AI becomes front page news. Tech media must be having a crush on AI for sure.
Diez cosas que la inteligencia artificial puede hacer por ti
Esta rama científica en auge permite mejorar el diagnóstico de enfermedades, protege del fraude en tarjetas de crédito o hace funcionar el ABS de los vehículos
Artificial intelligence in business: The state of play and future prospects
Humans are more likely to work with smart machines in the digital enterprises of the future than be ousted by them, but the possibility of economic and social disruption needs to be on the political agenda.
La inteligencia artificial corre sus límites: ahora gana al póquer
Una computadora pudo más que jugadores expertos; hay quienes creen que, al ritmo de los algoritmos, las tecnologías implicarán una nueva modalidad de producción económica
5. Mas/menos que humanos
Alan Turing’s idea for cognitive science was simple: Stop worrying about what the mind “is” and explain instead what the mind does. But we are nowhere near having designed a system that can do everything a person with a mind can do.
Human X Design: What Does It Truly Mean To Be Human? By Francesco Neo Amati
Metaphorically, who we become is a projection of our self-reflections. Just as happiness is said to be a virtue, a way of life, so may be the meaning and purpose of our species.
6. Cruzando fronteras: Arte, Diseño especulativo, Literatura
Meet Jon Hamm, the hologram (aka the holohamm)
As fun as it was pretending the «Mad Men» star was my Ken doll, the gimmick also gave a glimpse at how mixed reality may put stars at our sides.
Escucha música creada con inteligencia artificial para mejorar tu concentración, relajarte o dormir
¿Qué se puede conseguir a día de hoy con un algoritmo componiendo música?
La última idea de Google ha sido utilizarlos para medir la creatividad de las IA, y una cuenta de Twitter utiliza la inteligencia artificial para «crear la melodía que le pidas». Esto nos lleva a otra pregunta: ¿se pueden usar algoritmos para componer música?
Phantasmal Fictions by D. Fox Harrell (a review)
The key for harnessing computational systems to produce meaningful, potentially transgressive and transformative fiction then is to better understand patterns underlying imaginative cognition along with the non-deterministic nature of those patterns, and never losing sight of the fact that all data is comprised merely of smoky, subjective phantasms, and all meaning, even computationally produced meaning, is ultimately human imagination.
Chimerical Avatars and Other Identity Experiments from Prof. Fox Harrell
Though Fox’s experiments let users re-imagine characters’ outward appearances, what strikes me about his work is its appreciation of interiority, shifting and messy as it can be. It also gets me thinking about Henry Jenkins’ idea that one of the hallmarks of digital media literacy is what he calls » distributed cognition,» which holds that thought doesn’t live inside an individual’s brain. Cognition takes root and evolves across multiple minds, through social activities and connections.
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